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2021년 3월 16일 Analytical Chemistry저널에 Supplementary Cover Article 선정!! (제1저자 김수정 학생)

About the Cover:

Intracellular viscosity and nitric oxide (NO) are interrelated with a variety of pathologies such as oxidative stress. A naphthalimide-4-(4-nitrophenyl)thiosemicarbazide is a fluorescent probe that enables the simultaneous monitoring of alterations in viscosity and NO levels in live cells, which would be valuable for the investigation of the pathological conditions of cells. View the article.

석사과정 김수정, 박사과정 박선영, 박사과정 윤신아 학생이 Anal.Chem. 저널에 "Naphthalimide-4-(4-nitrophenyl)thiosemicarbazide: A Fluorescent Probe for Simultaneous Monitoring of Viscosity and Nitric Oxide in Living Cells" 라는 제목으로 게재한 논문이 Supplementary Cover Article로 선정되었습니다. (Cite this: Anal. Chem.2021, 93, 4391–4397)



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